HTML trick: hidden messages


Optional (but fun) content

Somewhere here, there's a joke about working in retail. See if you can find it before you press the More... button.

If I were a vampire, I would work retail, so I know who deserves to die.

Did you find it? Highlight the text from here to the top of the page. Point your mouse HERE, hold down the left button, and drag upward.

This is super easy to do. Just make the text the same color as the background. The background of this page is white, so I made the text white. Here's some HTML and CSS:

  • <p class="hidden">
  • If I were a vampire, I would work retail,
  • so I know who deserves to die.
  • </p>
  • .hidden {
  •     color: white;
  • }

If you want to float the text over to the right, add this to the CSS:

  •     float: right;