Final project ideas


List at least three ideas for your final project. Each idea should have a name, a short description, and a quick list of pages.

Include your name. Identify the idea you most want to do.

Do not do a website for a business, or other real organization. Their requirements might not match those of the course. If you want to do a prototype of a real site, that's OK. It will let you test ideas.

Here's an example:


Ideas from Suzie Chen

What we want to do: Pupperware

Idea 1: The Hammered Strings

A website for a local dulcimer rock band. Pages:

  • Home - slideshow
  • Band - about us kinda page
  • Events - what's coming up
  • Book us
  • Contact

Idea 2: Pupperware

A website for a small company that brings doggos to your event.

  • Home - slideshow
  • Services - What the company does
  • Packages - What you can buy. Maybe small, medium, and large?
  • Doggos - cute doggo photos
  • About - about the company
  • Work for us - jobs
  • Contact - contact form

Idea 3: Moore's 'Musement Mobile

Shaun Moore

Like a food truck, but for improv comedy.

  • Home - the value proposition
  • Services - what MMM will do
  • Booking - prices, how to book
  • Contact

Type your ideas in the solution field at the top of the submission form:

Submission form

Where referenced