Grade estimator

Grade Estimator for MIS 1050

Please fill in the fields below with your scores, and click the Estimate button. For assignments you haven't done yet, you can try different values, to see what your grade would be.

The estimate is based on data in the syllabus. You've read it, right?

Hint: type in the first score, hit Tab, and you'll jump to the next score.

MIS 3050 people: hit Ctrl+U to see the page's code, then scroll to the bottom to see the program that does the computations.

Sorry, the scores couldn't be used. Please check the highlighted issues.
10% of your grade.
Please enter a score from 0 to 10 (whole numbers only, e.g., not 8.5).
10% of your grade.
Please enter a score from 0 to 10 (whole numbers only, e.g., not 8.5).
30% of your grade.
Please enter a score from 0 to 30 (whole numbers only, e.g., not 8.5).
50% of your grade.
Please enter the number completed (whole numbers only, e.g., not 8.5). Only the first 32 count towards your grade, but they all help you learn.


Estimated grade: